Meet A Member: Elizabeth McCormick

Monographics Librarian
McConnell Library at Radford University

When did you first know that you wanted to be a librarian?
When I was a rising senior in college. I didn't have confidence in my ability to become a translator so I looked back on my life to see if there was one thing I'd always been doing. I'd always been a library aide in school and college and enjoyed the work.

What was your first library job?
As a kid, I was a library aide in middle school. As a professional, it was a combination of cataloging and ILL duties at Pittsylvania County Public Library.

What is your favorite part of librarianship?
The diverse duties, which very often require me to puzzle out solutions to the problem du jour.

What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you on the job?
Evidently the funny stuff isn't as memorable as the weird stuff.

If you could have anything in the universe installed in your office for your personal use, what would it be?
A teleporter, duh.

What is something your colleagues would be surprised to know about you?
That I can deadlift my bodyweight and can overhead press a small child. She's getting heavy though. I can't keep up.

Interview conducted by Gregg Grunow.

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